Prešovský dixieland
the best dixieland in Prešov
Pavol Adamkovič
Year of birth: 1968
Military rank: NCO or officer (?)
The youngest regular member of the group, quiet, unassuming (but all the more reliable for it), self-taught, with an obvious predilection for the jazz drumming tradition, he has the dangerous habit of getting better all the time. Over the years, he has tickled and banged his beautifully kept drum-kit not only for Prešovský Dixieland but also for the Tralala Band, Jazz Makers and Top Bigband Prešov. In fact, the only things which set him apart from those brilliant drummers performing on the paddle steamers of the Mississippi basin are the colour of his skin and hair, and his day job as a physical education teacher.
Jozef Ontko
tenorové banjo , gitara, spev
Rok narodenia: 1977
žije v Prešove
V kapele vystriedal zakladateľa Prešovského dixielandu / viď bývalí členovia / a hneď sa stal jej platným a funkčným členom. Svoju muzikantskú kariéru začínal , ako samouk gitarista, neskôr absolvoval strednú umeleckú školu v Košiciach . Tak ,ako aj ostatní členovia aj on hrával a hraje v iných skupinách, napr.
formácia Jazzvec, Outsiders, v súčasnosti - T.O.P. Bigband Prešov - gitara, PDJB - banjo
Profesionálne je učiteľom na Základnej umeleckej škole v Lipanoch. Je ženatý a s manželkou majú zatiaľ
dve krásne dievčatá.
Ján Bak
Rok narodenia: ?
Najnovší člen kapely nahradil Petra Bednára na poste klarinetistu. Ján vyštudoval konzervatórium a Pedagogickú fakultu v Prešove. Je vedúcim hudobnej zložky folklórneho súboru Sabinovčan a vyučuje na Základnej umeleckej škole Mikuláša Moyzesa v Prešove. Je tvrdou konkurenciou Jozefa Mička; hrozí totiž, že ho oberie o titul najobletovanejšieho člena kapely.
Antonín Horkel
Year of birth: 1957
Military rank: captain (!)
The only group member born outside the Slovak Republic, Antonín is a graduate of the military music school in Roudnica nad Labem. This prepared him for a career as an army musician (though in private he is a confirmed pacifist). A northern Moravian, he first played for the military brassband in Prešove then later for the garrison band in Košice (until 1997). At the same time he played for the DJZ theatre orchestra in Prešov for many years (until 2004). Along with all this, he has also been a key member of the Top Bigband in Prešov, both as a player (till today) and as conductor (till 2006). As if that wasn’t enough, he has also played in different dance and salon orchestras (TOPL Košice) and brass ensembles (at present the Brass Quintet), worked briefly with the avant-garde Prešov group Chiki-liki-tu-a and kept down his current day job of guitar teacher at the local music school. In all this broad sweep of musical commitments, he retains his innate sense of perfectionism. Who, when listening to one of his trumpet solos for Prešovský Dixieland, will not be reminded of the immortal Louis Armstrong?
Jozef Mičko
Year of birth: strictly confidential, we can only say 19**
Military rank: (a good) soldier
This charming music teacher learnt to play the trombone at the music school in Vranov n/Topľou and later at the conservatory in Košice. Though he has only been a member of the group since November 2006, his distinguished, almost angelic appearance has quickly made him a favourite among the female members of the audience. In his own words he plays ‘everything and everywhere’, and is a member not only of Prešovský Dixieland but also of Top Bigband Prešov and Brass Quintet Prešov. The list of music groups and other formations he has graced with his presence is a lengthy one: the Košice Symphony Orchestra, theatre orchestras (in Prešov and Košice), brass orchestras (Trenčín, Topoľčany) and the church orchestra in Prešov. He has also collaborated with the pop groups Fade Out and Chiki-liki-tu-a. Long may he (and his trombone) play!
Pavol Papáč
bass guitar, vocals
Year of birth: 1947
Military rank: (civilian employee of the Slovak Armed Forces)
The group’s organisational engine, he has been an indispensable part of the Prešov music scene for many years - since the 1960s he has been playing in a number of different rock, pop and now jazz groups. As well as supplying a totally dependable bass line, he provides the vocals and also introduces the band – and their numbers – at concerts. His long experience of singing also made him ideal for his position of artistic leader of the male voice folk ensemble ‘Suche karki’. With his experience and his inimitably dry sense of humour, this musical all-rounder is both ideal frontman and seasoned campaigner.
guest members
Katarína Koščová
letné turné 2011
Peter Adamkovič
(AMC trio)
former members
Mikuláš Andreanský
do roku 2012
Peter Bednár
do roku 2011
Bernard Herstek
do roku 2006
visitors: 206141